Personal Effectiveness
Training that develops the core skills of an individual, boosting their confidence and helping their organisation

Present Moment Time Management™
Make the most of the time you have by learning a simple and powerful system of time management
that keeps you in the moment, with less stress and greater productivity

Stress Management: The Well-Being Instinct™
Be more resilient and productive, boost your energy and avoid health issues
by learning personalised and practical approaches to managing stress

Presentation Skills: The Audience is your Customer™
Learn to prepare and deliver presentations and speeches
with less stress, more confidence and impact

Creating Clear and Compelling Communication
Harness the power of structure and storytelling to develop engaging, rigorous and crystal clear
documents, speeches or presentations

Innovative Thinking: Ideas to Action
Learn how to break through mental road blocks and develop creative, practical and valuable
solutions to your challenges

 Structured Problem Solving
Avoid boiling the ocean in search of an answer. Learn how to blend structure, logic and creativity
to rigorously and rapidly identify, test and select the right solution